Bernabé Cobo, a Spanish historian, visited America in 1956 had reported the use of Avocado oil for cooking. Vitamin D of the oil is imperative to resurrect hair and stop hair loss. In addition, vitamin A and vitamin E as well as vitamin C and Vitamin K which help downsize the dark circles as well as under-eye wrinkles. Avocado oil of Skin Cafe is is beneficial for hair and skin and works for hair regrowth, sun damage and so forth.
100% Pure and Natural
Organic. Unrefined. Extra Virgin.
120ML e
Benefits of Using Avocado Oil –
- Moisturizes hair.
- Moisturizes skin.
- Prevents sun damage.
- Heals skin diseases and wounds.
- Helps hair regrowth.
- Fights dandruff.
- Fights inflammation.
- Improves eye health.
- Vitamin A, E as well as vitamin C and Vitamin K of the oil reduce Dark Circles & under-eye wrinkles.
- Aids in weight loss.
Excellent source of antioxidants.
Essential fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins (A, C, D, E & K) .
For best shelf life, store in dark, cool environment always from heat, light and odor.
Suggested use
Since our oil, avocado, is a versatile oil you can use it as antidandruff at bath, as a homemade facemask, as a facial oil moisturizer and as a natural anti-aging skin cream and so forth.
For Hair
Apply the oil onto scalp and massage well every day; your hair loss will stop.
Add 1 tablespoon Avocado oil with shampoo or conditioner to moisturize hair and prevent dandruff.
For Skin
Use few drops of avocado oil on face and other exposed parts for deeper moisturizing effects.
Before going out of home use the oil on skin to make your skin safe from dangerous effects of UV rays.
People having sensitive and dry skins are advised to try out Avocado oil since the oil is rich in oleic acid works better for sensitive and dry skins.
Use the oil as night cream.
NB: Women use make-up and it contains different chemical elements which are injurious to health. Thus, with 2 teaspoon avocado oil mix up half teaspoon castor oil for cleaning away makeup.
For uses other than external, please consult a healthcare practitioner.
Origin: Mexico
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